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Clive on Brown

15 May

I would rather pull my teeth out with a pair of rusty pliers than support Gordon Brown. His coronation as Party Leader and Prime Minister will be a disaster for both Labour and the Country itself, his conduct and actions over the last 10 years showing just how ill-suited he is to any position of leadership.

It’s strong stuff, yet I can’t help but grudgingly agree.

Clare Short made an interesting point on last night’s Dispatches, when she said that maybe Gordon will relax when he finally gets the keys for Number 10. Maybe he’ll start to trust and stop being so suspicious and controlling. Maybe.

Pure Class

15 May

Well done Mrs. Penguin!

That’ll teach the sulky bugger.

Melissa Kite tears one off Precious Iain Dale

15 May

The right love to bitch (do they do anything else?) about how lefties love to bicker among themselves. But, like most Tory jibes, it’s hypocritical nonsense that drips of laziness and a lack of creativity. Anyway, Speccie blogger Melissa Kite has had a go at Iain Dale (and the dull-as-dishwater new Cornerstone blog) on the rag’s Coffee House blog.

Have a looksy at the comments for the usual suspects peddling the usual tired bollocks.

Poor Old Iain – the poor guy’s getting it in the neck from all sides…

(hat-tip: MoT)