Archive | 8:23 pm

have your comments been vapourised?

17 Nov

I had “cialis” (a Viagra-like pill) in my banned word list. All comments including this word will be binned automatically. I’ll never, ever get to see them.

Anyone spot a problem here?

Clue: socialist

Not great for a politics blog is it?

Thanks to Skuds. Psssst. Richard, I found a couple of yours that had been deleted, God knows how many others have expired and lost into the ether…


17 Nov

Can the spamming bastard (IP who is trying to post child porn on this blog, please do me the greatest of favours, and fuck right off?

Sick twat.

the irregular quote of the day

17 Nov


I opposed the Iraq War and I opposed it because I looked long and hard at the situation as it was developing, considered the strategic and foreign policy issues, the history of the region, the prevailing social and cultural conditions in the region, the apparent motives of the various parties and range of other rational factors and reached the conclusion that the most likely, if not, certain outcome of an invasion would be a complete clusterfuck in which there would be very few ‘winners’ and a whole shitload of ‘losers’, the vast majority of which would be ordinary Iraqis who desired nothing more than the basics of safety, a roof over their heads, food in their bellies and sufficient personal liberty to allow them to get on with their lives in relative peace and quiet.
