Archive | 6:40 pm

the irregular quote of the day

9 Nov

From the scribbles of Will Parbury: –

Today the legal advisor to the US secretary of state refuses to say that waterboarding is illegal. Yet 60 years ago America was sentencing Japanese soldiers who used the technique on US soldiers to 15 years for war crimes. Seems grandpa got something right.

Quite what the Americans are hoping to achieve using this form of torture is beyond me. We are engaged in a battle of hearts and minds to win the world to liberal democracy against a medievalist religious fundementalism because this is the best guarantee in the view of western industrialised nations for peoples peace, security and happiness and what does some jackass in the US militelligence complex do?

Indeed. Read on, here.

casting the net – 09.11.07

9 Nov

Really busy today – not to mention, tired.

Will probably post something later (BTW. did you enjoy the Guitar Hero videos?).

In the meantime, my daily blog review is here.